Our Services
One in four of us can expect to experience some form of mental ill health at some point in our lives. Ewen’s Room takes a proactive approach to supporting mental health and wellbeing, as well as supporting those experiencing mental health problems, whilst actively seeking to challenge the associated stigma. We offer a number of services to support young people and adults resident in Lochaber, and beyond. We run sociable drop ins and workshops, both in person and online, which are great for connecting people and reducing loneliness and social isolation. For those needing further support, we also offer befriending services and counselling on a one to one basis. These services are also available to family, friends and carers of those who are experiencing poor mental health.
School Counselling

Ewen’s Room is an approved supplier under the Highland Council’s Counselling Framework. We provide free one-to-one counselling for all pupils from P6 to S6 at Ardnamurchan High School, Kilchuimen Academy, and Mallaig High School. Our qualified counsellor for young people is Margot MacDonald, who is there to offer support and a safe space to talk things through. If you would like to find out more about this service, please get in touch with your guidance counsellor, contact Margot directly at margot.macdonald@partners-highlandschools.net, or contact us at info@ewensroom.com.
Community Counselling

Outwith these schools, Margot MacDonald also provides free counselling to young people up to the age of 25. Our free in-person counselling service with student counsellor Kirsty Williams for 26 and over is currently on pause whilst we work through our existing client list. Please keep checking back to see when we reopen the service for referrals. If you would like to find out more about this service, please contact us at info@ewensroom.com.
EwenMe Befriending

If you need someone to talk to, we can match you with one of our friendly volunteers on our EwenMe telephone befriending service, who can call you on a weekly basis. We launched this service during the Covid-19 crisis, aimed at connecting people and reducing loneliness and social isolation. We will do our best to match you with one of our volunteers who has similar interests to you, and they will agree with you about when you would most like to be called and how often. If you would like to find out more about this service, please contact us at info@ewensroom.com.
Ewen's Zoom

We had such positive feedback from our other local virtual open doors sessions during the lockdown, that we decided to start an online peer support drop-in chat, open to all, on Thursday evenings from 7:00pm - 8:00pm. It’s a great way to socialise and make new friends, and for people to talk about anything on their minds. We even organise fun activities like pub quizzes and crafts! Register at the link here so we can send you the link and instructions. Zoom is a free, easy-to-use video chat app, but there’s also the option of phoning in if your internet signal isn’t great. We look forward to hopefully meeting you soon. Please share this event, and help us to spread the word! If you would like to find out more about this service, please contact us at info@ewensroom.com. The Zoom takes place every Thursday and you can fit it on our events calendar.
FriendsDay Wednesday

FriendsDay Wednesday is running every Wednesday from 3:30pm - 5:30pm at Acharacle Community Centre. It is open to all pupils from P1 to S6. Its aim is to bring young people together in a safe and warm space, to enjoy activities and games with free snacks and drinks provided. If you would like to find out more about this service, please contact us at info@ewensroom.com. The afterschool club takes place every Wednesday and you can find it on our events calendar.
Open Doors Community Drop-In

Ewen’s Room Open Doors sessions began over 10 years ago in 2010 in Strontian. Our initial aim was to provide information and support for people affected by mental health issues; whether their own or the shared suffering of a family member or friend. Over the years these regular meetings have evolved to provide a regular social opportunity providing support for all aspects of mental well-being. Alongside a wealth of resources and information Open Doors sessions offer friendly chat, a cup of tea or coffee, and delicious home baking. Following the success of the Strontian Open Doors sessions in 2013, Acharacle Open Doors sessions were set up. In 2019, we launched Open Doors in Fort William and Ballachulish too. Many of the Ewen’s Room committee members, volunteers, and regular attendees at the Open Doors sessions have direct experience in mental health and well-being and are able to offer support, information, or just a friendly ear. If you would like to find out more about this service, please contact us at info@ewensroom.com. The open doors take place daily in different locations and you will find them on our events calendar.
Workshops for WellBeing

Why was this project started?
Started by Ewen’s Room, Workshops for WellBeing are designed to help children and adults living with mental health problems. The workshops use creative and active activities with discussion to address the lack of knowledge and confusion about mental health problems and to encourage communication between parents and children. The workshops also provide a space for parents to socialise with and support each other.
Who does it help?
Workshops for WellBeing help children and adults living with mental health problems. It will improve their resilience and ability to protect their own mental health. Parents are supported to discuss mental health with their children and become part of a community with others in a similar situation.
What does it hope to achieve?
The plan for this service is to discover whether Workshops for WellBeing improves child and family outcomes and how the service could be more widely scaled.
Prevention is at the heart of what we do at Ewen’s Room. Research shows that children who live with a parent with a mental health problem are at risk of developing mental health problems themselves. Workshops for WellBeing aim to reduce the risk of developing mental health problems, build resilience and improve family relationships.
When and where does it take place?
We plan to have ongoing Workshops for WellBeing to take place for people residing in Lochaber, and beyond over the course of one year, starting in June 2023. The workshops will take place weekly and you will find them on our events calendar.
Funders & Partners
We partnered with Foundation Scotland to pilot Creative Workshops for WellBeing in 2021/2022, a workshop model of Workshops for WellBeing in Lochaber, and beyond.
We partnered with Foundation Scotland and Think Health Think Nature to pilot Active Workshops for WellBeing in 2022, a workshop model of Workshops for WellBeing in Lochaber, and beyond.
We have partnered with Highland Third Sector Interface to roll out Workshops for WellBeing in 2023.
If you would like to find out more about this service, please contact us at info@ewensroom.com.
Workshops For WellBeing Evaluation
Please read our current evaluation of the workshops to families in Lochaber, and beyond.