We work to make a world where there is good mental health for all – but we can’t do it without you! You can get involved in our work – as an individual, a group, or an organisation. From running a marathon and showing your support with a Ewen's Room badge, to holding a bake sale and sharing your personal experience of mental health, there’s something that everyone can do. Fundraise for us. Learn how to do your own fundraising. Every pound you raise will help us tip the balance in favour of a world with good mental health for all. You can do a challenge event for us, take part in one of our flagship fundraising campaigns or simply do your own thing to raise money.

Ewen's Room Walk & Talk
Here at Ewen’s Room we know how good it is for our mental health to get outside in the winter months- and we know that setting a goal can give us the extra incentive we need to get out there! So this January we are encouraging all who can to get out and about for a good cause; pledge your miles and help us to reach our target- to collectively walk the coast of Scotland in 2024 and raise funds to continue to improve mental wellbeing in Lochaber!
On the right here you can download posters and a sponsorship form.
Please get in touch if you would like more information or support.

Annual Fundraising Events with Ewen's Room
We host an annual winter warmer every February in Acharacle Community Centre. It is a popular social event, as well as making significant contributions to our funds.
The Beinn Resipol Hill Race takes place every September. It attracts participants from all over the country, and in 2016 was combined with a new Fun Run for local school children and their supporters.
Setting Up a JustGiving Page
Raising money through JustGiving is one of the easiest, simplest ways to fundraise and we’re here to help guide you.
Steps to setting up your JustGiving page:
1. Visit our Ewen's Room JustGiving page and click 'fundraise for us'.
2. You will be prompted to sign up or log into your account.
3. Select the event you're fundraising for.
4. Choose your fundraising web address (this is the link you’ll be sharing with friends and family when asking them to donate).
5. Click 'create your page'.
6. All done! You can now start personalising your page.
Support While Shopping
Raise much-needed funds for us, while shopping online. Take a look at the various sites below that you can shop through and support us. We make a small commission when you shop through these sites if you select Ewen’s Room as your chosen charity, at no cost to you.

Corporate Fundraising
Corporate fundraising is a great way for businesses to have mutually beneficial relationships with charities. We'd love to be your partner or charity of the year.
What is Corporate Fundraising?
There are different types of corporate partnerships, but the main ways businesses can help support charities are through either charity partnerships or choosing a charity to become their charity of the year. This will raise more money for your CSR initiatives.
Corporate Partnerships
Corporate partners are vital for Ewen’s Room for a variety of reasons. They are a great opportunity for businesses in the corporate sector to partner with Ewen’s Room and work together directly.
There are many mutual benefits to being a charity partner. Ewen’s Room benefits through the corporate fundraising that takes place, which allows us to provide support to people living with mental health, while the business itself not only gets to support a good cause but also helps to increase their brand awareness.
Getting your business involved in corporate fundraising activities is also a great way to boost morale and combine team-building with social responsibility.
If you’d like to become a corporate partner, please contact us at
Fundraising Resources
If you would like information about our resources, please contact us at
Stories From Our Supporters
Read some of the stories written by our supporters who have taken part in a challenge or fundraised for us. They share their experiences with mental health and why they chose to support us in our mission to achieve good mental health for all.
We work to prevent mental health problems and strive to help people understand mental health. We value any support and would love to hear from you!
Please email us at
Fundraising FAQs
How do I set up an online fundraising page?
Please go to or and search for Ewen’s Room, Registered Charity no. 048248. Follow their instructions to set up your page. If you have any queries or need any tips please drop us a line at
Do you have any recommended wording about Ewen's Room for my fundraising page?
Living with a mental health condition can affect many aspects of daily life, from your physical health to your home, your work, and your ability to manage money. Every year we provide thousands of people across Scotland with practical advice and information to help them understand and manage their mental health.
Your generous donations help Ewen’s Room reach more people affected by poor mental health with advice, support, and information.
Can I please have a collect tin/bucket for my fundraising?
Please contact advising when/where you would like to hold your collection. Please note it is illegal to carry out a public collection without a valid license from the local authority. We can provide you with a letter for you to send them to apply for this authorisation. If you are collecting on private land, you must have the owner’s permission.
What resources do you have to help with my fundraising?
Please read above.
Will Ewen's Room sponsor my registration fee for my challenge event?
You will be responsible for paying the registration fee and registering directly with the event organisers.
Can I use your logo for my fundraising?
You cannot use our main Ewen’s Room logo on your own materials, but we do have an “In support of” logo to show you are fundraising in aid of us. If you have any questions email us at
Where do I pay in the money I have raised?
Please pay your fundraised money into our bank account, by direct banking.
Bank: Virgin Money
Account Name: Ewen's Room
Sort Code: 82-69-26
Account Number: 20109111
Can I gift aid my donation?
As long as you are a UK taxpayer and have paid the equivalent in income tax then yes. There are some exceptions: if you are paying on behalf of someone else e.g. it is a collection, or it is payment for an event ticket, raffle, or auction entry, or where you are receiving something in return.
Where can I find a sponsorship form?
If you would like more information about a sponsorship form, please contact us at